目的:初步探讨仰卧位时口咽、鼻咽腔组织阻塞部位及阻塞程度的改变。为阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSAS)的治疗提供有关依据。方法:青年男性15 人,每人分别拍常规头影测量侧位片及仰卧位头颅侧位片,比较二者口咽、鼻咽腔组织变化情况。结果:仰卧位时软腭位置、舌骨位置明显向咽后壁方向移位,最小矢状咽径显著减小。结论:拍摄仰卧位X线头颅侧位片对于OSAS的诊断、术前评估及术后疗效判定可提供更为可靠的依据。
Objective:To study the changes of obstructive levels in oropharynx and rhinopharynx in supine position. Methods:A detailed cephalometric analysis was performed using lateral X ray films in sitting position and supine position from 15 male volunteers.Results:In the supine position: the soft palate and hyoid bone was displaced posteriorly; the posterior airway space (PAS) got turned more narrow compared to sitting position. Conclusion:Lateral X ray film in supine position is highly recommended as a valuable tool in the diagnosis, treatment option and prognoses evaluation of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS).
Academic Journal of Pla Postgraduate Medical School