
B2B2C电子商务环境下供应链收益分配机制研究 被引量:7

Research on Revenue Sharing of Supply Chain under B2B2C
摘要 通过对2009年李宁公司网络渠道外包的个案分析,研究了B2B2C电子商务环境下制造商、代客服务商渠道收益分配问题,得出最优收益分配机制。比较分析发现电子商务平台积分回馈的提高,将有助于系统利润的增加。 Through the case analysis of network outsourcing on the Li Ning company, the problem of revenue sharing between a manufacturer and an agent middleman under B2B2C is researched, and the optimal profit distribution is given. Results of numerical example show that the increase of points rewards from third-party e-commerce platform will improve total channel revenue.
出处 《青岛大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2011年第2期77-82,共6页 Journal of Qingdao University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 教育部人文社科项目(08JC630051)
关键词 B2B2C 电子商务 博弈 渠道协调 B2B2C E-commerce game channel coordination
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