目的 探讨Am adori糖化血清蛋白对肾小球系膜细胞表达转移生长因子-β1(TGF-β1)的影响。方法 用体外制备的Am adori糖化的胎牛血清蛋白(Am adori-m odified glycated serum protein)分别在生理浓度葡萄糖(5.5m m ol/L)和高浓度葡萄糖(25mm ol/L)培养液中作用于大鼠肾小球系膜细胞,观察TGF-β1 m RNA表达有改变。结果 糖化血清蛋白在正常糖浓度下作用于系膜细胞4天后,TGF-β1 基因表达显著增高,为对照组的1.99倍。结论 糖化血清蛋白对肾小球系膜细胞中的TGF-β1基因表达有明显的刺激作用。
Objective To investigate the effect of glycated serum protein on transforming growth factor beta1(TGF β 1) gene expression in cultured glomerular mesangial cells.Methods Rat mesangial cells were cultrued. Glycated serum protein was prepared by incubating sterile filtered normal fetal calf serum for five days at 37℃ with 28 mmol glucose in phosphated buffered saline (PBS). Serum incubated for the same period in PBS without glucose was used as control (normal serum, NS). TGF β 1 mRNA expression was determined in cells incubated in media containing 10% nonglycated or glycated serum (NS or GS), and 5 5 mmol glucose versus 25 mmol glucose for 4 days without passage.Results In cells cultured in 5 5 mmol glucose, the relative ratio for TGF β 1 mRNA level in cells supplemented with GS compared with the level in cells exposed to NS was 1 99. In cells supplemented with NS, the relative ratio for TGF β 1 mRNA level in cells cultured in 25 mmol glucose compared with that in cells cultured in 5 5 mmol glucose was 1 79. Twenty five mmol glucose also augmented the glycated serum induced increase in TGF β 1 mRNA level relative to that observed in 5 5 mmol glucose concentration (Relative ratio of TGF β 1 mRNA level in cells cultured in 25 mmol versus 5 5 mmol glucose:2 42 vs 1 99), giving an additive effect on gene expression of TGF β 1.Conclusion Amadori modified glycated serum protein stimulate mesangial cell TGF β 1 gene expression by mechanisms that were operative under normoglycemic conditions, which would contribute to the development of diabetic nephropathy.
Chinese Journal of Diabetes
Glycated serum protein Mesangial cells Transforming growth factor beta1