We have lnvestigated and analysed the healthy condition of 335 retiredperson wh0 live at Qiaok0u district 0f Wuhan. From physiology and psychology theresult shows: most 0f these old persons have chr0nic diseases (77. 3l%). Thesechronic diseases were arranged by incidence. The first is hypertersion, the second iscoronary heart disease, the third is chronic bronchitis, the fourth is ch0lelithiasis, thefifth is diabetes mellitus, and the sixth is blood vessel disease of the brain. Afid theincidence is closely c0rrelated with age, profession, the habbit of life, economy,housing, the outd0or acti and weather. These retired person have good psychologichealth. From the investigation of aloney feeling, it shows that are conhected with civ-ilization level, hausing, the relation ship with friend, the contact with the society andthe health serivces.
Medicine and Society