In this papcr, the data of Sexually transmitted disease (STD) in Hubeiprovince from 1987 t0 l998 were analyzed, the results showed that there are l2O248STD case were reported during the past twelve years accumu1tive total, average annu-al rate of growth was 32. 03%. Epidemiological characteristic of scxua1ly transmitteddiseases (STD) include: (1 ) The proportions of STD changed while the kinds and thecases of STD increased, the pr0p0rtions of syphilis \ NGU'CA were significantly high-er in 1998 than in l987 (3. 6' 13. 9% \ 27- 7% v 1. 5% 'O- 3% '0. 35% ), but the propor-tion of gonorrhoea decreased from 98. 6% in l987 to 53' 6% in l998; (2) Sex ratio isl- 04: 1 in l998 but 1' l9: 1 in 1988; (3) the age proportions of STD patients changedtoo, the percentage of 20~40 age group is ab0ut 8l. 2, the cases of <2O age groupincreased fr0m 364 to l245. Finally, c0untermeasures t0 STD preventi0n were pro-posed according to its epidemiological characteristic.
Medicine and Society