
一种新型喹啉衍生物的合成及其对Hg^(2+)的检测 被引量:7

Synthesis of a novel quinoline derivatives and its application in recognition of mercury
摘要 以吡喃并喹啉为荧光团,吡咯啶二硫代甲酸铵为识别基团,合成了一种新的荧光探针分子,7-苯基-6H-吡喃[4,3-b]喹啉-2-吡咯啶二硫代乙酰胺。采用红外光谱、核磁共振谱和质谱对其结构进行了表征,并对其荧光性质进行了研究。结果表明,该化合物可以作为检测Hg2+的比率荧光探针,对于Hg2+有着很好的选择性及很高的灵敏度,在其他金属离子存在条件下也能够对Hg2+进行识别,不受干扰。 A novel fluorescent probe bearing 6H-chromeno quinoline fluorophore and methyl pyrrolidine-1-carbodithioate moieties was synthesized and charactered by FT-IR,TOF-MS and NMR.The properties of the fluorescent probe were investigated.The probe shows unique selectivity and high sensitivity to Hg2+ and it can detect Hg2+ ratiometrically without disturbed by other metal ions.
出处 《化学试剂》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期551-554,共4页 Chemical Reagents
关键词 喹啉衍生物 汞离子 比率荧光探针 quinoline derivatives mercury ion ratiometric fluorescent probe
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