Objective:To study the craniofacial surgery for the tumors of nasal cavi-ty and paranasal sinuses invading the anteri6r skull base or the intracranial tissue.Method:Fifteen patients were performed with en bloc resection in microurgery for thetumor of nasal cavity and paranasa1 sinuses involving the anterior cranial base or the in-tracranial tissue by combined craniofacial approach. Among them,five cases had the can-cer involving the anterior cranial base and ten cases involving the intracranial tissuethrouh the anterior cranial base. The dural defect resulted from resection were repairedwith femoral fascia. Results:Fifteen cases had been f0llowed up since the operation. A-mong them nine cases with tumor-free had been alive for more than 2 years. The 2-yearsurvival rate with tumor-free was 60. 00%. Eleven patients underwent the operation forsalvaged surgery. Among them, 6 cases with tumour-free had been alive for more than 2years. The 2-year salvaged successuful rate was 54. 55 %. Conclusion: lt is feasible to re-move the tumors of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses invading anterior cranial baseor the intracranial tissue in performing en bloc resections by combined craniofacial ap-proach.
Chinese Arch Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surg