目的 :观察丹参注射液治疗急性高血压脑出血的疗效。方法 :3 0例急性高血压脑出血 (幕上出血≥3 0 m l,小脑出血≥ 10 ml,脑干出血≥ 5 ml)患者随机分为 2组。丹参组 ( 15例 )在西药常规治疗基础上加用丹参注射液 16ml加入 5 %葡萄糖 5 0 0 m l静滴 ,每日 1次 ,连用 14日 ,观察 2 8日 ;对照组只给予西药常规治疗。比较 2组疗效。结果 :丹参组总有效率 ( 80 .0 % )优于对照组 ( 3 3 .3 % ) ,P<0 .0 1;丹参组病死率 ( 13 .3 % )低于对照组 ( 5 3 .3 % ) ,P<0 .0 1。丹参组治疗 14日颅脑 CT复查血肿平均吸收率 ( 66.2 % )明显优于对照组 ( 3 3 .7% ) ,P<0 .0 1,2组治疗前后血肿差值〔( 2 9.95± 5 .4 4) ml和 ( 13 .5 7± 3 .70 ) m l〕比较有非常显著性差异 ( P<0 .0 1)。丹参组治疗后心电图及血粘度也有改善。 2组均无再出血或血肿扩大。结论 :在西医常规治疗基础上加用丹参注射液治疗急性高血压脑出血疗效较好 。
Objective:To observe the curative effects of salvia m iltiorrhiza injection( SMI) on acutely hyper- tensive cerebral haemorrhage ( AHCH) .Methods:3 0 cases with AHCH ( the haemorrhage of supratentorium≥ 3 0 m l,cerebellum≥ 10 ml,and brain stem≥ 5 ml) were randomly divided into two groups.In SMI group( n= 15 ) based on conventional therapy of western medicine the SMI16ml+5 % glucose5 0 0 ml infused intra- venously once a day were added or 14 days and the observations continued for 2 8days while the control group ( n=15 ) was treated with conventional therapy of western m edicine alone.The curative effects between two groups were com pared.Results:In SMI group the total effective rate ( 80 .0 % ) was significantly superior to that( 3 3 .3 % ) in control group( P<0 .0 1) .The mortality rate( 13 .3 % ) in SMI group was significantly lower than that ( 5 3 .3 % ) in control group ( P<0 .0 1) .In SMI group in the times of fourteenth therapeutic day the mean absorbing rate of hematom a( 66.2 % ) was significantly superior to that( 3 3 .7% ) in control group( P< 0 .0 1) .Before and after therapy in comparison between two groups the difference in hematoma〔( 2 9.95± 5 .4 4) ml vs.( 13 .5 7± 3 .70 ) m l〕was very significant( P<0 .0 1) .After therapy in SMI group the electrocar- diogram ( ECG ) and blood viscosity were improved. There were not rehaemorrhage or enlargement of hematom a in both two groups.Conclusions:Adding SMI in treating AHCH on the basis of western medicine therapy possesses better curative effects and is worth to spread.
Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine in Intensive and Critical Care
hypertensive cerebral haemorrhage
salvia m iltiorrhiza injection
prom oting blood circulation to remove blood stasi