
网络自发式个人知识共享引论 被引量:3

On Internet Voluntary Personal Knowledge Sharing
摘要 随着知识经济时代的到来,知识共享的地位与作用日益突出。相对于组织框架内知识共享瓶颈的难以突破,共享边界无限、参与意愿自主的网络个人知识共享尤其值得关注。论文明确提出网络自发式个人知识共享的概念,对其典型应用、基本特征及现实意义进行了分析,希望藉此开端,为其后续研究提供有益的启发。 Along with the advent of the era of knowledge economy,knowledge sharing has been becoming increasingly conspicuous from the view of its function and status.In contrast with the difficult to break through the knowledge sharing bottleneck within the organization framework,Internet voluntary personal knowledge sharing with characters of border endless for sharing and holding self-determining is especially worth concerned.The concept of Internet voluntary personal knowledge sharing is clearly defined.Its typical applications,characters and practical value are analyzed.It is hoped that this study,as a kind of beginning,would provide some useful illumination for subsequent research.
作者 李明
出处 《新世纪图书馆》 CSSCI 2011年第6期70-73,共4页 New Century Library
关键词 知识共享 互联网 网络自发式个人知识共享 Knowledge sharing Internet Internet voluntary personal knowledge sharing
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