

The design and analysis on LN_2-aided freezedryer for biomedicine
摘要 随着生物技术的高速发展,多肽蛋白质类药物不断涌现,可应用于临床的多肽、蛋白酶、激素、疫苗、细胞生长因子等成为开发重点。为防止药品变性,目前广泛采用冷冻干燥法制备成固态药品。液氮冻干机,以液氮作为冷源,采用直接膨胀相变制冷的方式,解决了常规压缩机制冷的冻干机存在降温速率较慢、冷阱极限温度不够低等问题;同时也弥补了由于随着冻干工艺的发展,有机溶媒的使用越来越普遍,常规冻干机的冷阱无法将有机溶媒捕捉,不能完全满足冻干工艺需要的缺点。 With the development of the biotechnology, biologicals of polypeptide protein presents unceasingly, and it is important to develop polypeptide, prolease, hormone, vaccine and cell growth factor in the clinic. In order to prevent the drugs denaturation, the freezing drying method was used to prepare the bio - medicine. LN2 - Lyophilizer, with liquid nitrogen as a cold source, solved the rate of temperature decreasing in the compressor refrigeration and insufficiently low to limit temperature of the cold trap. Then with the development of freeze - drying process and the growing use of organic solvent, cold trap of general freeze dryer can not capture organic solvent, and can not fully meet the needs of freeze - drying process. Liquid nitrogen freeze - drying technology can be a good way to replace the existing mechanical refrigeration, to improve the reliability in the freeze - drying process and improve the freeze - drying capacity.
出处 《低温与超导》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期16-19,63,共5页 Cryogenics and Superconductivity
基金 上海市科技特派员项目(09QT1402700)资助
关键词 液氮 冻干机 间接制冷 Liquid nitrogen, Freezedryer, Indirect refrigeration
分类号 O [理学]
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