

Network Optimization of Department of Water Conservancy of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Based on Network Fairness
摘要 网络公平性问题广泛存在于广域网中,在高速复杂的广域网核心,维持网络公平,对保证网络传输的稳定性,保证QOS和避免拥塞及解决其带来的问题有着重要的作用。局域网作为Internet的一部分或一末端点,同样可针对公平性对网络进行部署以提高网络的性能,根据网络的现有情况,针对其1个关键部分利用交换机的公平性队列调度算法对其设置与优化,使其在有限的IP分段中实现以段为单位的局部相对公平,以进一步避免拥塞。 In wide area network (WAN),network fairness problems always widely occur.A fair network design at high speed and complicated core layer of WAN can place a significant role in guaranteeing transmission stability of network and better quality of service,as well as avoiding network congestion and solving issues caused by the congestion.Intranet,as a subset or a stub of the Internet,can improve network performance if it is well designed in accordance with the fairness criterion.This paper makes a research on network setting and optimization of one key node in the network by queue scheduling algorithm which has been implemented on the switch in the network.Thus stability and fairness of the network can be improved relatively to prevent further congestion.
出处 《水利信息化》 2011年第3期12-16,共5页 Water Resources Informatization
关键词 公平性 H3C WRR 水利厅网络 fairness H3c WRR network of department of water conservancy
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