
低碳旅游发展的困境与对策 被引量:16

The Predicament and Countermeasures of Low-Carbon Tourism Development
摘要 低碳旅游尚处于起步阶段,发展中遇到了诸多困境。该文纵览国内外相关理论研究与实践结果,从旅游者碳排放认知、旅游业碳足迹测度和碳补偿措施有效性等方面,梳理与分析了低碳旅游发展的困境。提出理论上应从澄清相关概念、界定旅游业系统、统一碳足迹测度口径、旅游业碳排放影响等方面加强研究,实践上应从政府领导、主体参与、重点领域突破、多重措施并举等方面建立低碳旅游实施机制,以期丰富旅游环境研究视角,为我国低碳旅游发展提供理论指导和实践参考。 With the global "low-carbon economy" booming,low-carbon tourism is still the initial stage.Although the establishment of low-carbon tourist destination has been proposed in many regions,its development has encountered many difficulties.On the basis of document analysis and system induction method,the predicament and countermeasures of low-carbon tourism development was analyzed in this paper.At present,the predicament of low-carbon tourism development included tourists′ knowledge on carbon emissions,measuring of travel carbon footprint,the effectiveness of carbon offsets plan and so on.As for the countermeasures of low-carbon tourism development,the authors put forward a series of measures.Theoretical study involved theoretical clarification of tourism related concepts,the definition on tourism system,measure diameter uniform with carbon footprint,assessment impact of carbon emissions.Finally,the low-carbon tourism implementation mechanisms were built,which included government leaders,stakeholders participation,breakthroughs in key areas,multiple measures simultaneous and so on.The results could achieve well scientific ground for the harmonious and sustainable development of low-carbon tourism as well as the implementation of low-carbon tourism policy in China.
作者 王群 章锦河
出处 《地理与地理信息科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期93-98,共6页 Geography and Geo-Information Science
基金 安徽省哲学社会科学规划项目(AHSK09-10D91) 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(10YJC630339) 安徽省教育厅人文社会科学基地一般项目(2011sk714) 国家自然科学基金项目(40971301)
关键词 低碳旅游 碳排放 困境 对策 low-carbon tourism carbon emissions predicament countermeasures
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