目的:通过同伴组织开展对海洛因使用过量者实施纳洛酮急救,评估该模式的有效性以及可行性,以此探索出适合个旧地区的毒品过量使用急救模式。方法:通过前期培训使同伴掌握基本的心肺复苏术、纳洛酮的正确使用方法以及现场实施纳洛酮注射的急救方法;开通24 h热诚服务。结果:40名毒品过量者被同伴注射纳洛酮后都苏醒。针对海洛因使用过量,注射纳洛酮是安全有效的急救措施,而且,在个旧通过同伴组织实施现场纳洛酮注射急救具有一定的可行性。结论:此种工作模式可以在类似于个旧的中小型城市推广。
Objective:The study monitored the piloting of naloxone among trained peers to reduce local overdose mortality.Data was collected and analyzed to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of naloxone injection implemented by peers as part of harm reduction interventions.Methods: Staff members at a local NGO were trained in how to administer CPR and naloxone to peers.A 24-hour overdose hotline was set up to respond to overdoses in the community.Results: All 40 individuals who were administered naloxone were successfully resuscitated.Injection of naloxone by trained peers is a safe and effective first aid measure to reverse heroin overdoses.Moreover,the peer naloxone distribution method piloted in Gejiu is feasible.Conclusion: The hotline model piloted in Gejiu can be expanded to other small and medium-sized cities in China.
Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence