目的:探讨老年患者阶段性健康教育的效果。方法:选取108例老年患者,随机分为两组,阶段性健康教育组54例,分3个阶段:Ⅰ期指导(住院1~5 d)、Ⅱ期指导(住院5~10 d)、Ⅲ期指导(住院10~15 d以上),由负责护士指导。非阶段性健康教育组54例,随意指导,无分阶段性,由负责护士指导。结果:阶段性健康教育组焦虑、恐惧发生率比非阶段性健康教育组低7.4%;阶段性健康教育组并发症发生率比非阶段性健康教育组低5.56%,差异有统计学意义;在患者出院前,测定患者对教育内容的知晓率,阶段性健康教育患者的知晓率比非阶段性健康教育组高18%,差异有统计学意义,患者对健康教育的满意率提高13.5%。结论:阶段性健康教育效果明显优于非阶段性健康教育效果。
Objective To dicuss the efficacy of the stage healthy education for the elderly patients.Method Total 108 cases of elderly patients in hospital were randomly divided into two groups.The stage education group(n=54) was guided by the nurse in charge.The education was divided into 3 phases:stage Ⅰguide(Hospitalized 1~5 days),stage Ⅱguide(Hospitalized 5~10 days),stage Ⅲguide(Hospitalized 10~15 days).The non-stage education group(n=54) was randomly guided by the nurse in charge.Results The incidence of anxiety and fear in the stage education group was 7.4% lower than that in the non-stage education group.The incidence of complication in the stage education group was 5.56% lower than that in the non-stage education group.The difference was significant.Before the patients were discharged from the hospital,the awareness rate of educational content was determinated.The awareness rate of the stage education group was 18% higher than that in the non-stage education group.The difference was significant.The satisfaction rate of patients increased by 18% for the healthy education.Conclusion The efficacy of stage healthy education is obviously superior to the non-stage education.
Jilin Medical Journal
Elderly patients
Healthy education