
钢桥面沥青铺装裂缝处治技术效果评价 被引量:5

Effect Evaluation of Treatment Technique for Cracking on Asphalt Steel Deck Surfacing
摘要 为了对钢桥面沥青铺装裂缝修复效果进行评价,通过沥青混合料小梁疲劳试验,分析无裂缝小梁和修复后小梁的疲劳性能以及不同裂缝槽口型式对修复后小梁疲劳性能的影响.试验表明,修复后小梁的极限弯拉强度与无裂缝小梁相比下降不明显,修复后小梁的疲劳寿命有较大程度下降;全断面修复使用性能较部分断面修复更为优异.不同槽口型式修复小梁试验结果表明,10 mm×10 mm、20 mm×10 mm槽口型式修复效果更佳. In order to evaluate the effect of the crack treatment on asphalt steel deck surfacing,laboratory beam fatigue tests are conducted.The fatigue performances of undamaged beams and treated beams are researched respectively,and the influence of the types of different notches on the fatigue property of treated beams is also studied.It can be seen that the flexural-tensile strength of treated beams differ slightly,but the fatigue life reduces dramatically compared to that of undamaged beams.The service performances of the whole-section repaired beams have predominance to the part-section repaired one.The 10 mm×10 mm,20 mm×10 mm type notches lead to better repairing effect.
出处 《北京工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期888-892,共5页 Journal of Beijing University of Technology
基金 西部交通建设科技资助项目(2009318000086) 教育部'新世纪优秀人才支持计划'资助项目(NCET-08-0118)
关键词 钢桥面 铺装裂缝 疲劳性能 寿命预估 steel deck surfacing crack fatigue performance life prediction
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