
重审自然选择原理的“共同发现”——“非达尔文革命”的视角 被引量:2

Reinterpreting the Co-discovery of the Principle of Natural Selection——From the Non-Darwinian Revolution Perspective
摘要 华莱士与达尔文共同发现了自然选择原理并引发达尔文革命已经成为我国公众理解进化论历史的常识之一,这种理解带有辉格史色彩,在皮特.鲍勒的"非达尔文革命"视角下可以也值得得到重新的审视。华莱士与其他有可能成为"共同发现者"的生物学家一样,其思路与达尔文存在本质差异,达尔文对"华莱士事件"的反应主要也是出于一种学术之外的考虑。19世纪进化论的主线是斯宾塞主义而不是达尔文主义,达尔文的自然选择理论是独树一帜的,并且是早熟的,澄清这一点有助于理解国外"非达尔文产业"的前沿动态。 It is commonly known for Chinese public,to understand the history of evolutionism,that Darwin and Wallace independently discovered the principle of natural selection and then triggered the Darwinian revolution.It's a Whig interpretation of history and worth noting and being reinterpreted from Peter Bowler's non-Darwinian revolution perspective.Like other known co-discoverers,Wallace's evolutionism is substantially different from Darwin's.Darwin's consideration about Wallace's paper in 1858 was not so much on science and actually established a myth of Wallace.In 1800s,the mainstream of evolutionism was Spencerism rather than Darwinism which was irreplaceable but came too early.Such reinterpretation may help us understand the "non-Darwinian industry" better.
作者 刘利
机构地区 北京大学哲学系
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期1-7,共7页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
关键词 华莱士 达尔文 自然选择 非达尔文革命 非达尔文产业 Wallace A R Darwin C natural selection non-Darwinian revolution non-Darwinian industry
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  • 1Bowler, Peter J. The Non-Darwinian Revolution: Re- interpreting a Historical Myth [M]. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988:4-5, 41.
  • 2Huxley, Julian. Evolution: The Modern Synthesis[M]. New York and London: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1943, 22-28.
  • 3Wells, William Charles. Two Essays: upon a Single Vision with Two Eyes, the Other on Dew [C]. London: Archibald Constable and Co. , 1818, 435-436.
  • 4Darwin, Charles. The Origin of Species by Means of Natu- ral Selection [M]. New York: Barnes & Noble Classics, 2003:387.
  • 5Matthew, Patrick. Nature's Law of Selection [J]. Garden- ers Chronicle and Agricultural Gazette, 1860, 7 April: 312 -313.
  • 6Darwin, Francis, ed. Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Including an Autobiographical Chapter, Volume II [M]. London: John Murray, 1887: 301, 116-117, 117-118, 118, 126-128, 130.
  • 7Bowler, Peter J. The Non-Darwinian Revolution: Reinter- preting a Historical Myth [M]. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988: 42.
  • 8Blyth Edward. An Attempt to Classify the "Varieties" of Animals, with Observations on the Marked Seasonal and Other Changes Which Naturally Take Place in Various British Species, and Which Do Not Constitute Varieties [J]. Magazine of Natural History 1835,8. 41 -d7.
  • 9Darwin, Charles. On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life [M], London: John Murray, 1859: 18.
  • 10Beddall, Barbara G, Wallace. Darwin, and Edward Blyth: Further Notes on the Development of Evolution Theory [J]. Journal of the History of Biology, 1972, (5): 154, 158.











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