
情报学家尤金·加菲尔德关注诺贝尔奖的视角 被引量:4

The Perspectives of Nobel Prize Studies Made by the Information Scientist Eugene Garfield
摘要 本文考察了美国著名情报学家尤金·加菲尔德研究诺贝尔奖的视角,通过研究分析加菲尔德个人网页中关于诺贝尔奖的51篇原文,我们对这位情报学家研究诺贝尔奖的视角有了比较深入的了解。加菲尔德研究引文分析能否预测诺贝尔奖,他们是否都写过引文杰作,获奖项目是否是所在领域的研究前沿,最高被引频次、获得诺贝尔奖和科学承认之间的关系,职业合作伙伴的重要性,关注日本的科学研究环境,运用引文分析确定是否属于早期发现等七个方面来发表自己独特的见解。 This article explored the perspectives of Nobel Prize studies made by the famous American information scientist Eugene Garfield.Researching and analysising all the 51 original texts about the Nobel Prize studies come from Garfield personal pages,we know better the special perspectives.of Nobel Prize studies by Garfield.Garfield conveys the seven unique aspects.Citation analysis can predict the Nobel Prize.Nobel-Prize winners write citation-classics.Their projects are the core papers of research front.The correlation between citedness,Nobel Prizes,and scientific recognition.The importance to the Professional collaboration.Paying attention to the scientific research environment of Japanese.Using citation analysis to determine whether they belong to delayed recognition,as well.
作者 李艳霞
机构地区 新乡学院
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期65-69,共5页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
关键词 情报学家 尤金·加菲尔德 诺贝尔奖研究 information scientist Eugene Garfield Nobel Prize studies
  • 相关文献


  • 1http//www.garfield.library.upenn.edu/.
  • 2[美]尤金·加菲尔德著 侯汉清译.《引文索引法的理论及应用》[M].北京图书馆出版社,2004年版..
  • 3Eugene Garfield. Are the 1979 Prizewinners of Nobel Class? Essays of an Information Scientist[C]. 1980. Vol: 4, 609- 617.
  • 4Eugene Garfield. The 100 Most-Cited Authors of 20th Cen- tury Literature. Can Citation Data Forecast the Nobel Prize in Literature? Essays of an Information Scientist[C]. Vol: 4,363-369.
  • 5Eugene Garfield. Forecasting the Nobel Prize Winners: Some Caveats Are in Order. Essays of an Information Scien- tist[C]. 1991. Vol: 14,382.
  • 6Eugene Garfield. The 1,000 Most-Cited Contemporary Authors. Part 2A. Details on Authors in the Physical and Chemical Sciences and Some Comments about Nobels and A- cademy Memberships. Essays of an Information Scientist [C]. 1982. Vol:5,428-436.
  • 7Eugene Garfield. Do Nobel -Prize Winners Write Citation- classics? Essays of an Information Scientist [C]. 1986. Vol: 9,182.
  • 8Eugene Garfield. The 1991 Nobel-Prize Winners from Patch clamps (Sakrnann and Neher) to Spaghetti Theory (De- gennes), Social Costs(Coase), and Nmr(Ernst)-Were all Ci- tation Superstars. Essays of an Information Scientist[C]. 1993. Vol:15, p12.
  • 9默顿.《欧洲的科学社会学》,第48页.
  • 10Eugene Garfield. "50 Classics from the Journal-of-Ctinical- Investigation: over 60 Years of Nobel-Class Research Es- says of an Information Scientist[C]. 1997. Vol.10, 50.












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