
AlCrN涂层转动微动摩擦学行为 被引量:2

Rotational Fretting Behaviour of AlCrN Coating
摘要 在新型转动微动摩擦磨损试验装置上,采用球/平面接触方式,对多弧离子镀制备的AlCrN涂层与Si3N4陶瓷球进行转动微动试验,变化转角位移幅值,研究了涂层的转动微动摩擦磨损行为。结果表明:AlCrN涂层的转动微动摩擦行为明显依赖于转角位移幅值,随着转角位移幅值的增加,摩擦界面从部分滑移向完全滑移转变,摩擦因数明显增大且曲线走势明显不同。AlCrN涂层转动微动在转角位移幅值θ=0.5°时处于部分滑移状态,损伤极其轻微,界面主要由弹性变形协调;当θ增大为1°,微动运行于完全滑移状态,但涂层的损伤仍较轻,为轻微的磨粒磨损和氧化磨损;当θ进一步增大为2°,涂层损伤明显加重,且磨痕中心处有明显的塑性隆起的痕迹,与同处于滑移区的较小转角位移幅值(θ=1°)的情况明显不同。因此,转角位移幅值对AlCrN涂层的转动微动摩擦磨损行为有重要影响。 AlCrN coating was deposited by the multi arc ion plating technique.Rotational fretting tests of the AlCrN coating against Si3N4 ceramic ball were performed on a new-developed rotational fretting tester with ball-on-flat configuration,and the rotational fretting behaviour of the coating was investigated under different angular displacement amplitudes.The results showed that the rotational fretting friction of the AlCrN coating was largely depended on the angular displacement amplitude.With the increase of the angular displacement amplitude,the friction interface changed from the partial slip into the gross slip and the friction coefficient significantly increased with different trend.Under the angular displacement amplitude(θ) of 0.5°,the rotational fretting ran in the regime of partial slip,and the wear of the coating was slight with the friction interface coordinated by elastic deformation.With the θ increasing to 1°,the fretting running state transferred to gross slip,but the wear of the coating was just mild abrasive and oxidative wear.Nevertheless,with the θ further increasing to 2°,the wear of the coating was aggravated significantly.Moreover,a plastic deformation accumulation can be observed in the middle of the wear scar,which was different from the situation of θ=1° also in the regime of gross slip.The angular displacement amplitude has great influence on the rotational fretting behaviour of the AlCrN coating.
出处 《中国表面工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期33-37,共5页 China Surface Engineering
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20100184120003) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(SWJTU09CX015) 国家自然科学基金(50821063)
关键词 AlCrN 转动微动 摩擦磨损 转角位移幅值 AlCrN rotational fretting friction and wear angular displacement amplitude
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