Rapid internationalization of economic activities following the Second World War has generated an unprecedented increase in international trade and capital flows. For example, only during 1963-1993, exports rose from 157 billion to 3.774 billion dollars. Also the flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) have grown exponentially. Although FDI flows are concentrated on developing countries, 80% being targeted towards 10 countries, capital flows towards the Third World have quadrupled only between 1990 and 1993. This trend towards a truly international economy influences also on how companies do business. International business environment provides many opportunities, as well as threats. Romanian companies need to align to this trend. In addition to identifying new opportunities to do business in foreign markets, they have to deal with specific risks, which they did not have to face when working internally. In this context, we consider necessary to launch an investigation, whose main objective would be analyzing the manner in which Romanian companies manage risks specific to international economic affairs. As the complexity of these businesses is great, and the majority of Romanian companies, in their attempt to internationalize, use classical forms of export-import, the analysis took into account only the export activity undertaken by Romanian companies. We mention that we did not take into account the determination of the exposure to these risks of the companies concerned, but an analysis of the management of those risks. For this analysis, data were collected based on the administration of a questionnaire, and these data were used to develop an econometric model analysis. The specific methods of risk analysis of specific export transactions are then interpreted using the GLOBE model.