This paper presents a broad-range study of the co-seismic deformation field of Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake by ScanSAR interferometry. The results show co-seismic displacements ranging from - 19.8 on the footwall side of the seismogenic fault to 73.6 cm on the hanging-wall side, or from - 22.4 to 77.2 cm with atmospheric-delay correction by MODIS. These results differ from the GPS line-of-sight results by 4. 58 cm to 2.78 cm, respectively, on the average. We could not obtain the displacements near the earthquake-rupture zone due to incoherence problem.
This paper presents a broad-range study of the co-seismic deformation field of Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake by ScanSAR interferometry. The results show co-seismic displacements ranging from - 19.8 on the footwall side of the seismogenic fault to 73.6 cm on the hanging-wall side, or from - 22.4 to 77.2 cm with atmospheric-delay correction by MODIS. These results differ from the GPS line-of-sight results by 4. 58 cm to 2.78 cm, respectively, on the average. We could not obtain the displacements near the earthquake-rupture zone due to incoherence problem.
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation ofChina ( 40874003,41074007 and 40721001)
the National DepartmentPublic Benefit Research Foundation ( Earthquake) ( 200808080)
the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education( 20090141110055)