本钢采用"铁水脱硫扒渣→150t转炉冶炼→(LF+RH)精炼→矩形坯连铸(350 mm×470 mm)→800 mm棒材连轧机组(轧材保温)→检验入库"生产工艺流程,生产的非调质钢S38MnSiV,钢材中氧质量分数不大于16×10^-6、氢质量分数不大于1.2×10-6、氮质量分数在136×10^-6-162×10^-6范围内;φ160 mm圆钢的低倍、非金属夹杂物、晶粒度等级均符合标准要求;力学性能达到Rm≥865 MPa,ReL≥560 MPa,Aku≥64 J,满足标准要求。
The non-quenched-tempered S38MnSiV steel was produced by hot metal desulphurization→150t BOF→(LF+RH)→CC of rectangular section(350 mm×470 mm)→800 mm mill(slow cooling of the steel)→test and storage route in BX Steel.The oxygen content of the steel is not more than 16×10^-6,the hydrogen content of the steel not more than 1.2×10^-6,and the nitrogen content of the steel between 136×10^-6 and 162×10^-6.The macrostructure,non-metallic inclusions and the grain size of the 160 mm steel accord with the standard.The mechanical properties answer for the standard with Rm≥865MPa,ReL≥560MPa,Aku≥64J.
China Metallurgy