目的:探讨对肾及肾上腺旁腹膜后肿瘤的诊治方法。方法:结合文献回顾性分析16 例本病患者的临床资料。结果:8 例术前获正确定性诊断,8 例为术后确诊;9 例术前获准确定位诊断,7例被误诊。16 例均采用手术治疗,7 例行肿瘤全切术,行肿瘤部分切除和囊内肿瘤切除各2 例,5 例晚期并广泛浸润者行活检术。结论:因本病倾向于局部生长和浸润,很少产生转移,因此即使恶性者也应尽可能彻底切除。
Purpose:To investigate the diagnostic and treatm entm ethod of retroperitonealtu- m ors nextto the kidney and adrenalgland.Methods:The clinicalm aterials in 16 cases ofthis dis- ease w ere analysed w ith the papers review .Results:8 cases w ere diagnosed correctly in quality be- fore operation and 8 afteroperation.9 casesw ere correctly diagnosed in position beforeoperation,7 cases w ere m istakely diagnosed.16 cases w ere treated by surgicaloperation in w hich 7 w ere done by total tum orectom y and 2 separately by partial tum orectom y and enucleation,5 cases of later stage and w idespread invasion w ere done only by tum or biopsy.Conclusions:Because these tum ors grow and invade locally,but they rarely develope m atastasis,therefore,even the tum ors are m alig- nant,they should be rem oved w ith the surrounding tissues w hich w ere involved as com plete aspos- sible.
Journal of Clinical Urology
Retroperitonealneoplasm ata Differentialdiagnosis Surgery