目的:探讨不明原因男性不育患者精子核DNA定量及精子形态的变化情况。方法:对50 例正常生育男性和35 例不明原因不育患者精液进行精子核DNA积分吸光度、平均灰度和精子面积、核长、核宽、周长、圆度、尾长等定量分析。结果:不育患者精子核DNA 积分吸光度明显减低(P< 0.01),平均灰度明显增高( P< 0.01),面积、核长、核宽、周长、圆度、尾长与生育男性比较,无显著性差异( P> 0.05)。结论:不明原因男性不育患者精子核DNA积分吸光度明显减低。
Purpose:In order to study the unknoun reason m ale sterility patient′s sperm core DNA quantity and the circum stanlce change aboutthe sperm form .Methods:The sem en of50 nor- m al fertility′s m ale w as com pared w ith 35 unknow n reason of sterility patient′s,analysing sperm core DNA integralopticaldensity,average grey m atter,the quantity and form aboutsperm ′s area, core′s length,core′s w idth perim eter circum ference tail′s length,etc.Results:Sterility patient′s sperm core DNAintegralopticaldensity had a clearreduction ( P< 0.01);averagegrey m atter had a clear increase ( P < 0.01),area core′s length core′s w idth perim eter circum ference and tail′s length contrast w ith fertilitys m ale′s had no significant difference (P > 0.05).Conclusions:The unknoun reason m ale sterility patient′s sperm core DNA integralopticaldensity had a clear reduc- tion.
Journal of Clinical Urology