好消息是"机器"至少在首演夜没有出故障,谢幕时没有嘘声。坏消息是唱布伦希尔德的黛博拉·沃伊特(Deborah Voigt)出场时跌了一跤,演完后大多数人的看法(从评论及网络上的留言看)还是"这个制作值上千万吗?"万众瞩目的《女武神》,终于在4月底上演。这个勒帕吉(Rober Lepage)导演的新《指环》,据说是大都会歌剧院史上最高成本的制作,尽管去年秋天《莱茵的黄金》反应不如预期,还是浇不熄歌剧迷的期待,七场演出的票在几个月前就销售一空。勒帕吉的《指环》四部曲都在同一个布景上演出,这就是所谓的"机器",24根并排的长铝板,靠着中轴可以升起、降下、扭转,做出不同的变化。《黄金》演出后最多的批评是,"机器"占据了舞台大部分空间,演员没有走位表演的余地,机器本身的变化又不够多,维持不了"马拉松"《指环》的新鲜感。《黄金》首演夜"机器"故障,以至众神进不了瓦尔哈拉(Valhala),更是留下一段口舌。
Many people consider Die Walk(u|¨)re the most intimate among the four operas that comprise the Ring.Basically a series of duets, Die Walk(u|¨)re calls for a production that can keep the audience's attention focused on different combinations of characters on a big stage. In that respect,Robert Lepage's new production at the Metropolitan Opera does not quite get the job done.It drew too much attention to'the Machine,'including its creaking noise while it transformed itself. The highlight of the production is certainly the instrumental prelude popularly known as'The Ride of the Valkyries.'Lepage delivered a thrilling and dramatic presentation not unworthy of his Cirque du Soleil fame.The singers fared from good to excellent,with Stephanie Blythe taking the pride of honor.Jonas Kaufmann won big applause for his valiant effort in portraying Siegmund.Bryn Terfel made a major leap from his uncomfortable Rheingold.Deborah Voigt sounded better than most people expected.A still-recuperating Levine conducted sensitively,always in support of his singers.