
红花大金元特色品系筛选研究 被引量:1

Study on Screening Characteristic Breeds of Variety Tobacco Seeds or Series of Honghuadajinyuan
摘要 为优选出红花大金元特色烤烟品系,以烤烟品种红花大金元为对照,对红花大金元1、红大2、Va116、GY2、GY8和云烟87六个品种(系),从生育时期、植物学性状、农艺性状、抗病性、经济性状、化学成分以及香吃味等方面进行了研究比较。结果表明:包括对照在内的7个试验品种(系),其中综合性状表现最好的是GY8,品质最好的是3个红大品种系,其外观质量、内在品质也最好。而在3个红大品系中,红大1、红大2除具有原红大品种优质特点外,叶片数较明显增加,抗青枯病、黑胫病能力明显增强,化学成分协调,香气质好,种植效益也明显提高。红大2可作为国家认可的特色红花大金元品种进行种值。 In order to pick out better characteristic tabacco series,choosing tabacco strain of Honghuadajinyuan as comparison.We did compared research on growth stages,Botanical characteristics,agronomic traits,disease resistance,economic characters,chemical constitution and aroma and flavor of tobacco In six tabacco breeds and series,including Honghuadajinyuan1,Honghuadajinyuan 2,Va116,GY2,GY8 and Yunyan 87 in seven breeds and series,including compared breeds.The results showed that the best comprehensive appearance is the GY8.The best quality is the three Honghuadajinyuan series,and the appearance quality and inner quality also is the best.In this three breeds of Honghuadajinyuan series,there are more advantages of Honghuadajinyuan 1and 2,besides the advantages of original the Honghuadajinyuan,such as more leaves,enhancing ability of resisting Bacterial Wilt and Tobacco Black Shank,chemical constitution more harmonized,good fragrant and quality,and improved obvious efficiency of planting tabacco.The Honghuadajinyuan 2 which is certificated by nation as characteristic breeds will be chosen for planting.
出处 《安徽农学通报》 2011年第11期87-90,共4页 Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 贵州省攻关黔科合NY字[2009]3001 毕节地区项目"红花大金元配套技术研究与应用"
关键词 红花大金元 特色品种 品系筛选 Honghuadajinyuan Characteristic Brees Screening breeds and series
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