

Investigation of the Degra after dability of PBS and Its Copolymer before and Chain Extension Reaction
摘要 通过熔融溶液相结合的方法,合成PBS及P(BS—co-1,2-PS)共聚物,用IPDI做扩链剂对其进行扩链合成,并对其进行降解性能试验。采用熔点仪测定了聚酯的熔点,并采用GPC测定了聚酯的摩尔质量及其分布,并测定失重率,得到影响降解性能的因素。实验结果表明:随着聚合物分子链的增长,熔点逐渐降低;而熔点越低,其降解性能越好。聚酯的摩尔质量越高,降解过程越难进行。 Two kinds of aliphatic polyesters, named PBS, P(BS-co-1, 2-PS), were synthesized by combination of solution polycondensation and melt polycondensation. The chain of aliphatic polyesters was extended by IPDI. The biodegradation experiment of aliphatic polyesters was carried out. The melting point of the aliphatic polyesters was determined by melting point instrument. The molecular weight and molecular weight distribution of the aliphatic polyesters were determined by GPC. Aliphatic polyesters'weightlessness rate was determined and the influential factors of degradation performance were analyzed. Experimental result indicated that melting points decreased with increasing the polymer chain; the lower the melting points were, the better the performance was. Degrading process was more difficult as increasing molar mass of polyester.
出处 《塑料工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期95-97,107,共4页 China Plastics Industry
基金 西安市科技计划项目(CXY1021-5))
关键词 脂肪族聚酯 异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯 扩链 生物降解性能 Aliphatic Polyester Isophorone Diisocyanate Chain Extension Biodegradable Property
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