Partic le In Cell方法是等离子体数值模拟的基本手段之一.但传统的PIC模拟方法受到时空步长限制的影响,很难用于高密度或者大尺度等离子体研究.隐格式PIC方法是克服这一限制的主要手段.本文概述了隐格式PIC方法的基本思路和主要应用.
Particle in Cell simulation(PIC) is a fundamental method in plasma simulation.The traditional explicit PIC method is limited by the space-time step and can hardly be used in the investigations for high density or large scale plasmas.Implicit PIC algorithms are the major methods to overcome the space-time scale restrains.This article discusses the basic principles of Implicit PIC methods and their applications.
Journal of Anshan Normal University