Boundary layer control on thick airfoils or airfoils at large angle of attack, whichuses very small power input, is studied. The control method is to use multiple slots on the airfoilupper surface tangentially blowing at small speeds. Boundary layer loses its kinetic energy dueto wall friction and adverse pressure gradient gradually along airfoil surface. Therefore, supplyinga small amount of energy at each of the slots located along the airfoil upper surface energizesthe boundary layer and suppresses the separation. Since the kinetic energy of blowing jet isReceived 17 August 1998, revised 17 March 1999.1) The project supported by the National Natural Science FOundation of China (No. 19725210).2) Currently at R&C Center for Parallel Software ISCAS, Beijing 100080, China.proportional to the third power of the blowing speed, multiple slots blowing at small speeds willreduce the energy expenditure of blowing greatly. Moreover, under same blowing momentum rate(which is proportional to the square of the blowing speed), multiple slot blowing may control theboundary layer better than single slot blowing. The reason is as following. With single slot blowingat large speed, the very large difference between the speed of the jet and the incident flow causesstrong mixing and also there is high friction at the wall, hence high near-wall momentum can not bemaintained for large extent downstream, but with the multiple slot blowing at small speeds, thesedrawbacks will be much less significant. The method used for the study is numerically solving theNavier-Stokes equations with appropriate boundary layer and wall jet turbulence modeling. Theresults show that with very small control power expenditure, the boundary layer separation canbe suppressed and flow pattern close to that given by invicid flow theory can be obtained, leadingto large lift and very small drag. For example, for a Joukowsky airfoil of 40 percent thickness,at CL = 3.5, the ratio between lift to equivalent drag (drag with flow control energy taken intoaccount) is as large as 50.
Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
separation control, multiple slots/small speed blowing, high efficiency,N-S equationsimulation