

Review on Oversea Study of the Relations among Stock Prices, Inflation and Monetary Policy
摘要 系统回顾了股价与通胀、货币政策之间关系的研究文献。发现研究者对股价与通胀之间的费雪效应是否存在以及股价与货币政策之间的关系均存在分歧,但研究视角、研究深度和实证检验方法趋于丰富。 This paper makes a systematic review of literatures on the relations among stock prices, inflation and monetary policy and finds that researchers have different opinions about whether there is Fisher Effect between stock prices and inflation, and the relation between stock prices and monetary policy. Nevertheless, the research on the topics is abundant in the views, the depth and the empirical methods.
作者 王国松
出处 《当代经济管理》 2011年第6期76-80,共5页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目<包含价格粘性与股价波动的货币政策规则研究>(09YJA790136) 上海市教委科研创新重点项目<货币政策 股价及实体经济间的作用机理研究>(10ZS67)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 股票价格 通货膨胀 货币政策 stock prices inflation monetary policy
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