
论UNCD的应用与研发方向(工业金刚石战略发展思考之三) 被引量:2

Discussion on applications and directions in research and development of UNCD
摘要 对UNCD的研发背景、特性、系列制品的用途以及研究与发展方向作了翔实阐述。系列制品包括:Na Dia Probes,Conductive Na Dia Probe,UNCD Faces and Seals,UNCD Horigon。文章从医疗器具、人工器官及医学研究;MEMS生物传感器;污水净化与清除有毒物质;表面声波与体声波器件;旋转机械设备中的机械密封与流体动力学轴承;电子频率基准仪以及下一代化学机械抛光垫修整器与其它三维形状金刚石制品等潜在应用领域论述UNCD的研究与发展方向。 The background on research and development,the applications of a series of UNCD products and the directions in research and development of UNCD were expatiated with detail.The series of UNCD products included NaDia Probes,Conductive NaDia Probe,UNCD Faces and Seals,UNCD Horizon.In this paper the directions in research and development of UNCD were discussed through the potential applications area such as medical devices and artificial organs and medical research,MEMS biosensors,wastewater purification and detoxifying,SAW and BAW devices,mechanical seals and hydrodynamic bearings used for rotary equipments,electronic frequency references and next generation CMP pad conditioners and other 3-D diamond products etc.
作者 谈耀麟
出处 《超硬材料工程》 CAS 2011年第1期36-41,共6页 Superhard Material Engineering
关键词 UNCD 特性 用途 研发方向 UNCD characteristic application directions in research and development
  • 相关文献


  • 1www. thindiamond, com.
  • 2http://www, eb evd. com.
  • 3sp3 Diamond Techologies-CVD Diamond.


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