
追寻社会主义的真谛:公平与发展的汇聚 被引量:1

Seeking the Essence of Socialism:the Convergence of Fairness and Development
摘要 社会公平与社会发展是人类永恒的话题,却又是不同的价值诉求。社会发展会造成新的社会不公平。如果说从氏族公社社会飞跃到奴隶社会,使大部分原本是自由的氏族公社成员沦为奴隶的话;那末从封建社会跃进到资本主义社会,则是使原来自由的小私有者沦为现代雇佣奴隶。马克思主义社会主义是对资本主义社会不公平的否定,当代社会主义运动是为推翻资本主义制度,实现社会公平的群众革命运动。俄国十月革命的胜利,建立了苏联社会主义国家,实现了所有制、生产关系的变革,解决了沙皇俄国社会的不公平问题。苏联国家建立后,把发展问题放在首位,推行赶超先进资本主义国家的发展战略。20世纪60年代以后,又把赶超发展战略演化为和美国在全球范围内争霸,开展和美国以核军备竞赛为中心的军备竞赛。苏联在实现国家的高速度发展方面取得了显著成就,但是由于以牺牲农民利益为高速度发展的资金源泉,从而造成了新的社会不公平。毛泽东领导中国革命胜利后,在全国范围内完成了生产资料所有制的社会主义改造,阶段性地实现了社会公平,并为新的大发展奠定了基础。在毛泽东时代,中国基本上沿袭苏联的发展模式,产生了与苏联相似的新的社会不公平。毛泽东想通过实行平均主义的办法来解决中国社会出现的新的不公平问题,结果给中国社会发展带来灾难性的后果。中共十一届三中全会以后,中国走上改革开放,建设中国特色社会主义的道路,寻求社会发展与社会公平的契合。三十多年来,中国成为举世瞩目的"东方巨龙"。世界社会主义运动的历史表明,社会主义革命不会、也不能一劳永逸地实现社会公平。社会主义的生命力在于,执政的共产党能否主动地、不断地契合社会发展与社会公平,推进社会的和谐发展。 As the eternal topics of human being,social fairness and social development are different ways of appealing for value.The social development may lead to new social unfairness.The Marxist socialism is the denial of the social unfairness of the Capitalism.The triumph of Russia's October Revolution gave rise to the Soviet socialist country,which provided the solution to the unfairness in Czarist Russia.After its founding,the Soviet Union gave first priority to the issue of development and pursued the strategy of overtaking the advanced capitalist countries.Notable achievements in realizing the rapid development of the country were made in Soviet Union,while new social unfairness emerged because the fund sources that the rapid development needed were acquired at the cost of the peasants' benefits.After the victory of Chinese Revolution,social fairness was achieved step by step.In the era of Mao Zedong,China basically followed the development model of Soviet Union,new social unfairness which was similar to that of Soviet Union appeared as a result.After the convocation of the Third Session of Eleventh Central Committee of the CPC,China embarked on the road of adopting the reform and opening up policy and building socialism with Chinese characteristics,while sought the convergence of social development and social fairness at the same time.As the history of the world's socialist campaigns showed,the socialist revolution will not and can not realize the social fairness once and for all.The vitality of socialism lies in whether the communist party in power will be able to harmonize the social development and fairness actively and continuously,and further to press ahead with the harmonious development of the society.
作者 叶书宗
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期4-17,共14页 Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 社会发展 社会公平 原生态社会主义 赶超发展战略 “贡税论” 和谐发展 Social Development Social Fairness Raw Socialism the Overtaking Strategy of Development Tribute and Tax Theory the Harmonious Development
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