
员工晋升对组织发展的影响 被引量:3

摘要 本文从获得晋升员工、未获晋升员工及组织三个角度对晋升工作进行分析,提出关注员工晋升对组织团队发展的影响。一方面可以有效地激发员工的工作积极性,有利于组织目标的实现;另一方面会对组织中其他员工产生一系列的影响。在此基础上,对晋升工作顺利开展提出了建立规范、民主的晋升体系,确定科学的晋升标准,提供员工职业生涯辅导方面的建议。 From three perspectives of employees who have got promotion and have not got promotion,and organizations,this paper analyzes promotion practices,and comes up with the emphasis on influence of employees promotion on organization development.On one hand,it can effectively stimulate the enthusiasm of employees' work to benefit the realization of organizations' goals;on other hand,it may bring about a series of influences on other employees.On that basis,the paper proposes the suggestions for smooth implementation of employees' promotion at the aspects of building the system of regulated and democrat promotion,determining the scientific promotion standards,and providing the tutorship to the employees career.
作者 杨林叶
出处 《企业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期84-86,共3页 Enterprise Economy
关键词 晋升 组织 发展 影响 promotion organization development influence
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