涤纶闪光顺纡绉是一只高档仿真丝产品, 通过合理选择原料及织物组织结构, 控制好上浆工艺, 采用轧花起绉和高温预缩起绉相结合的技术, 并选用连续碱减量工艺, 可赋予织物均匀的顺纡绉条纹, 手感柔软, 光泽柔和, 达到优良的仿真效果。
Polyester shot crepon is a top_quality silk_like product The fabric is found to be endowed with uniform crepon stripes, soft hand touch, subdued lustre and excellent silk_like effects by selecting proper material and fabric structure, well_controlled sizing, combination technology of embossed creping and high_temperature preshrunk creping, and continuous alkali deweighting KEY TERMS: silk_like fabric; polyester; weaving; dyeing and printing Beijing, 100081) Abstract The collapse on the relocation site of Fengjie County in May of 1997 directly threatens the houses, that causes extensive concern The paper illustrates seismic and electronic detection that shows collapse is controlled by NS fault and the bottom is 70 m in depth
Journal of Silk