
玉树地震伤员心理干预效果的相关性分析 被引量:1

Correlation analysis on the effect of psychology intervention on the Yushu earthquake wounded
摘要 目的探讨玉树地震灾区伤员心理干预前与干预后的情绪变化。方法对25例某院收治的玉树地震灾区伤员分别在心理干预前及干预后0,2,3,4周进行汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)和汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HRSD)调查和评分;采用合理情绪疗法(Rational-Emotive Therapy RET):每次10~15分钟,每天2次,方法是:以开放性询问开始,使用倾听技术,进行必须的释义,使咨询的问题具体化。同时加入影响性技术,给予解释、指导,并使其情感得以表达、内心世界自我开放,观察效果并进行评分比较。结果 25例伤员干预前HAMA评分为(24.7±5.1)、HRSD评分为(18.9±1.5);干预后HAMA为(10.7±2.1)、HRSD为(10.6±2.0)。焦虑伤员共23例(92%),其中轻度焦虑15例(60%),中度6例(24%)、重度2例(8%);抑郁伤员共22例(88%),轻度抑郁13例(52%)、中度8例(32%)、重度1例(4%);伤员评分与干预前呈负相关(r=-0.35,-0.28;Ps〈0.001),与干预后正相关(r=0.29,0.27;Ps〈0.001)。结论玉树灾区伤员心理干预后焦虑、抑郁评分下降。 Objective To study the emotion change of the Yushu earthquake wounded before and after psychology intervention.Methods A total of 25 case of Yushu earthquake wounded who were in hosptal were tested by HAMA and HRSD before and afte psychology intervention,and 0,2,3,4 week after hospitalization;intervene means:the central part of Rational-Emotive Therapy RET,10-15 minutes every time,twice each day;began with opening enquiry,used hearken technic,conducted necessary paraphrase,materialize the consultative question;at one time acceded influence technic,administered explain and direction to sensibility get expression and self dispark incenter world.The effect was observed and compared.Results The score of HAMA was(24.7±5.1),HRSD was(18.9±1.5).in the 25 wounded before intervention;that of HAMA was(10.7±2.1),HRSD(10.6±2.0) after intervention.The anxiety wounded were 23(92%),in which the mild were 15(60%),middle 6(24%),severe 2(8%);the depression wounded were 22(88%),in which the mild were 13(52%),middle 8(32%),severe 1(4%).The scores of the wounded showed negative correlation with fomer(r=-0.35,-0.28;Ps0.001) and positive correlation after intervention(r=0.29,0.27;Ps0.001).Conclusion Anxiety and depression scores of the Yushu earthquake wounded drop after psychology intervention.
出处 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2011年第6期701-703,共3页 China Journal of Health Psychology
关键词 玉树地震伤员 焦虑 抑郁 心理干预 横断面研究 The Yushu earthquake wounded Anxiety Depression Psychology intervention Transect study
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