目的总结放射性131I治疗甲状腺性甲亢患者的护理体会。方法将74例甲状腺性甲亢患者服用131I溶液,并对患者的治疗前准备、饮食指导、病情观察、辐射防护知识的宣教及治疗反应、并发症的观察与护理及治疗后的随访。结果 74例患者经过131I治疗及护理后,90%产生疗效。结论通过甲状腺性甲亢患者服用131I溶液治疗前后的护理,提高了患者的治愈率及生活质量,降低了病死率。
Objective To summarize nusring experinece of the radioactive 131 I treatment for patients with hyperthyroidism.Methods Seventy-four patients with hyperthyroidism were treated with 131 I solution.At the same time,before treatment,patients were given dietary guidance and radiation protection knowledge.Condition,the treatment response and complications were observed as well.Follow-up visist was arranged too.Results After 131 I treatment and care 74 patients were cured.Efficieny rate was 90%.Conclusion The treatment of 131 I solution can effectively improve the life quality of the patients with hyperthyroidism and reduce mortality.
Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice