
添加稀土Sm,Cu对机械合金化诱发过饱和Ag90Ni10固溶合金的影响 被引量:2

Effect of Adding Rare Earth Sm and Cu on Supersaturated Ag90Ni10 Alloy Induced by Mechanical Alloying
摘要 用XRD,SEM,TEM等分析手段研究了机械合金化诱发过饱和Ag90Ni10固溶体的形成以及添加稀土Sm、合金元素Cu对合金化过程的影响。随后研究了过饱和Ag90Ni10和添加Sm、Cu的合金粉末在加热脱溶过程中晶格常数及晶粒尺寸变化。并对合金粉末压制烧结后的组织、密度、硬度、电阻率等性能进行了分析。结果表明,球磨60小时获得纳米晶的AgNi复合粉末,Ni在Ag中的最大的固溶度为2.87at%。稀土Sm、合金元素Cu的加入都加快了合金化过程,细化粉末最终尺寸,稀土Sm的效果尤其明显。Cu的添加则提高烧结后合金的密度、电导率及硬度。 The X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning electron microscope(SEM) and transmission electron microscope(TEM) were used to analyze the formation of supersaturated Ag90Ni10 phase and the effect of adding rare earth Sm and alloy element Cu on the mechanical alloying process.The change of the lattice parameters and grain size for all the supersaturated powders after annealed were also measured.Then the microstructure,density,hardness and resistivity of the samples were measured after being prepared by the method of powder metallurgy.The results of the precise determination of the lattice parameters by XRD showed that after mechanical alloying for 60 hours,the nanocrystalline Ag-Ni powders were obtained and the maximum solid solubility of Ni in Ag was reached 2.87at%.Both the rare earth Sm and alloy element Cu could accelerate the mechanical alloying process,reduce the ultimate grain size of powders,especially the Sm.The alloy element of Cu could improve the density,hardness and conductivity of the alloy.
出处 《航空材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期26-30,共5页 Journal of Aeronautical Materials
基金 合肥市应用技术研究与开发项目(200823025) 合肥市科技计划项目(200754038)
关键词 Ag90Ni10 机械合金化 晶粒尺寸 晶格常数 显微组织 Ag90Ni10 mechanical alloying grain size lattice parameter microstructure
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