针对现有直放站监控终端可靠性不高、实时性不强和软件升级不便等问题,设计一种稳定可靠、支持GPRS远程升级并且容易扩展的解决方案。以嵌入式微处理器为核心,使用WCDMAModem与远程监控中心OMC(Operate Mainte-nance Center)建立无线连接,支持OMC通过短信和GPRS方式对WCDMA数字光纤直放站的配置管理、告警管理、性能数据采集和软件升级。
In order to improve some deficiencies of current repeater monitoring terminal such as low reliability, non-real-time, and inconvenience in softwaring upgrading, a reliable solution supporting GPRS upgrade and extension is designed. In this solution, Embedded microprocessor is the core, and a WCDMA Modem is used to communicate with Operation Maintenance Center (OMC). OMC can carry out configuration management, alarm management, performance data sampling and software upgrade via SMS or GPRS.
Modern Science & Technology of Telecommunications