

Steady Rollback and Recovery Policy Based on Integrity Measurement
摘要 针对分布式计算环境中进程状态的不确定性对软件容错造成的影响,提出了一种基于完整性度量机制的稳定性回卷恢复策略,通过对进程备查点时刻的状态进行控制,解决了并行程序的不确定性问题,其优点是功能强、代价小、适用面广并且实现简单,最后给出了该技术的实现方案。 As to distributed processing environment,the intractable problem is that process's current state is indeterminate,which could bring some security issues such as diffusing action.We put forward a checkpoint of integrity measurement strategy which could control process's state when process encounters an integrity measurement checkpoint,which would solve the problem that the running state of parallel software is indeterminate.The virtue of strategy is simple and low-cost.We also provide implementation scheme and prototype for evaluating overhead and performance.
作者 李军
机构地区 武汉市
出处 《计算机与数字工程》 2011年第6期52-54,113,共4页 Computer & Digital Engineering
关键词 分布式系统 回卷恢复 完整性度量 distributed system rollback and recovery integrity measurement
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