对浙江中部低丘红壤地区8 种经济树种20 余个品种在常规栽培条件下生长结果表现及其土壤养分变化进行了研究。结果表明: 胡柚、椪柑、杨梅和温州蜜柑是最适宜的生态经济树种。永嘉香柚、皋泄柚、朋娜和纽荷尔脐橙等生长结果良好。落叶树中板栗最为适宜; 天目蜜李要合理搭配授粉品种才能丰产; 银杏生长良好, 山茱萸后期生长旺盛, 两者都能正常结果。甜柿落花落果严重, 产量很低; 涩柿则结果较好。浦江桃形李和福建木奈李花而不实, 果实虫害严重。枣树生长不良,果实品质低下。低丘红壤经垦植施肥, 土壤酸度减弱, 有机质和氮素等有效养分增加, 实现了土地资源可持续利用目标。表2 参6 。
Growth and fruiting of more than 20 varieties belonging to 8 types of commercial trees cultivated under normal conditions in the hilly regions of middle part of Zhejiang Province and changes of soil chemical characteristics have been discussed.The practice shows that such evergreen species as Citrus reticulata cv.Ponkan,C.changshan huyou,Chinese strawberry and C.unshiu are most suitable for this region with such soil;such pomeloes as Yongjia fragrant pomelo and gaoxie pomelo and such navel oranges as C.sinensis cv.Skaggs Bonanza and Newhall Navel Orange can be planted because of their good performance in growth and fruiting;chestnut among deciduous species is most suitable,too;Tianmu sweet plum can also be planted so long as pollinating varieties are properly mixed;capable of fruiting,ginkgo grows well and dogwood grows vigorously late in growth;sweet varieties among persimmons have a heavy flower drop and fruit drop,which results in a low yield while puckery varieties fruit very well;Pujiang peachshaped plum and Fujian nai plum only flower with no fruits or fruits heavily damaged by insects;and jujube is not suitable for planting on account of poor growth and fruits of poor quality.Plowed and occupied by trees,soil has changed in chemical characteristics under the influence of commercial species of trees planted and the application of fertilizers to the soil,favorable to growth and fruiting of the trees.All this can be seen from the reduction of soil acidity and increase in both soil fertility and land production potential.With a good ecological and economic effect,C.changshan huyou,C.unshiu,Chines strawberry,etc.can tolerate poor soil,showing a high suitability and a high and stable yield.
Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College
hilly ground
commercial tree species
fruit quality
soil coniditions