目的:构建人源性去整合素金属蛋白酶9(ADAM9)基因真核表达载体并表达其编码蛋白(转染293T细胞)。方法:利用包含ADAM9全长编码核酸序列的质粒PCR4-TOPO作为模板,用PCR扩增其核心编码区,将其克隆至PMD18-TVector中构建PMD18-T-ADAM9质粒,同时双酶切PMD18-T-ADAM9及PXJ40-HA后构建PXJ40-HA-ADAM9真核表达载体,经酶切鉴定及测序后将载体转染至293T细胞中,通过免疫印记法检测ADAM9蛋白的表达。结果:经过双酶切和测序结果鉴定PXJ40-HA-ADAM9载体构建成功,经过West-ern blot法证实ADAM9基因表达。结论:成功克隆ADAM9基因并构建其真核表达载体,该载体的构建为后期建立稳定表达ADAM9细胞模型,并稳定表达ADAM9蛋白,为进行ADAM9功能研究提供可能。
Objective: To construct human a disintegrin and metalloprotease 9(ADAM9) gene into a eukaryotic expression vector PXJ40-HA and study the expression of ADAM9 gene in transfected 293T cells.Methods: ADAM9 gene was amplified from a vector PCR4-TOPO ordered from Open Biosystems and cloned into PMD18-T vector to construct a vector named PMD18-T-ADAM9.The PMD18-T-ADAM9 and the PXJ40-HA double digested by the same restrict enzymes,the recombinant eukaryotic expression vector PXJ40-HA-ADAM9 subsequently yielded.The expression of ADAM9 gene in tansfected 293T cells were identified by Western blot.Results: The vector PXJ40-HA-ADAM9 was constructed successfully and the expression of ADAM9 gene was detected by Western blot finally.Conclusion: ADAM9 gene is obtained as well as its recombinant eukaryotic expression plasmid is successfully constructed and expressed in 293T cells.The expression vector would be a useful material for the ADAM9 stable expression cell model and further funciton investigation.
Journal of Southeast University(Medical Science Edition)