
辽宁省优秀青少年网球运动员有氧及无氧能力测试与分析 被引量:3

Test and Analysis of Aerobic and Anaerobic Capability:A Study of Liaoning Province Elite Adolescent Tennis Athletes
摘要 通过文献资料法、实验室测量法、实地调查法、数理统计法等方法对辽宁省优秀青少年网球运动员冬训前有氧及无氧能力进行了研究。结果显示:绝大多数女运动员相对爆发力水平较高,在克服自身重力运动时表现出很好的爆发力和快速的移动能力,但个别女运动员的无氧耐力抗疲劳能力较差;优秀女子网球运动员有氧工作能力整体较强;优秀男子网球运动员在无氧做功能力及无氧耐力及有氧能力表现出较大的体差异。 The development of the tennis professionalization in China requires the adolescent tennis talents have higher stamina. However, little research has been done to the diagnosis and evaluation of the athletes'stamina, especial- ly about their aerobic and anaerobic ability, which lays restraints on the improvement of their competitive level. The paper, by means of such methods as documentary data, laboratory measurement, field survey and mathematical statistics, tries to research on the aerobic and anaerobic ability of the adolescent tennis talents in Liaoning Province before the win- ter training in the hope of providing basis for the development of tennis. The result showed that all female subjects presented in rallies with superior power and fast movement when overcoming self - gravity. However, some players were in poor anaerobic endurance and anti - fatigue power. Overall aerobic capability of female participants was in good condition and can endure training of great intensity and amount. But there were obvious differences between male individuals and standard in anaerobic endurance and aerobic ability.
作者 刘亚 喻晶
出处 《成都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期75-79,共5页 Journal of Chengdu Sport University
基金 辽宁省教育厅科学技术研究资助项目(W2010420)
关键词 辽宁省 青少年 网球运动员 体能测试 有氧能力 无氧能力 Liaoning Province adolescent tennis talents aerobic ability anaerobic ability
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