
舌下腺囊肿外科治疗回顾 被引量:6

Surgical treatment of sublingual gland cyst
摘要 目的探讨舌下腺囊肿的诊断、手术治疗及术后并发症的预防。方法对650例各种类型的舌下腺囊肿的诊断、手术方法、病理及术后并发症进行总结分析。结果 650例患者中8例口外型因穿刺未抽出黏液而误诊,所有病例术后病理均诊断为外渗性囊肿及慢性舌下腺炎,所有病例均未发生下颌下腺导管损伤、舌神经损伤及术后血肿等并发症,无术后复发。结论口外型舌下腺囊肿穿刺未抽出黏液时借助细胞学穿刺可明确诊断,舌下腺囊肿手术均行口内切口摘净腺体,手术简单安全,术后并发症发生率极低,无复发。 OBJECTIVE To explore the clinical diagnosis,treatment and operative complications of sublingual gland cyst.METHODS The clinical data of 650 cases with sublingual gland cyst were retrospectively studied.The methods of diagnosis,surgical approaches,pathological type and operative complications were recorded.RESULTS All the cases were diagnosed as sublingual gland cyst before operation except 8 cases.Pathological diagnosis was extravasation mucocele and chronic sialadenitis of sublingual gland.No severe complications such as hemorrhage,lingual nerve and Wharton duct damage occurred during operation or after operation.There were no recurrence cases.CONCLUSION Sublingual gland cysts should be diagnosed by the needle aspiration cytology when it could not aspirate mucous.The incision is mainly in the floor of mouth,and the salivary gland is completely removed.The operation procedure is easy and safe.Operative complications are very low and recurrence is rare.
出处 《中国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科》 北大核心 2011年第5期225-226,共2页 Chinese Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
关键词 舌下腺 囊肿 口腔外科手术 Sublingual Gland Cysts Oral Surgical Procedures
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