

Cost Control Model of Material Substitution for MTO Iron & Steel Enterprise
摘要 为保证订单的交货期和产品质量,根据物料需求计划,物料代用在面向订单的钢铁企业生产过程中经常发生。针对生产过程中物料代用成本控制问题,确定物料代用的规则,建立物料代用的成本优化控制模型。模型以库存费用和拖期费用之和最小为目标函数,再结合运筹学知识采用遗传算法进行模型求解。进行了应用研究,取得了很好的结果。 According to material requirements planning,material substitutions often happen to ensure order delivery and product quality in steel production process for Make-To-Order iron steel enterprise.Rules of material substitution are established and cost optimized controlling model of material substitution was built to deal with cost control problem of material substitution.Objective function of the model was to minimize total cost of both stock and task lateness.Operations Research and genetic algorithm were used to answer this model.Finally,application research was conducted and its promising future was revealed.
出处 《工业工程与管理》 北大核心 2011年第2期77-81,共5页 Industrial Engineering and Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70872014)
关键词 钢铁企业 面向订单 物料代用 成本控制决策 遗传算法 iron & steel enterprise Make-To-Order(MTO) material substitution cost control and decision genetic algorithm
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