目的 采用双盲法观察不同麻醉维持方法麻醉后期的恢复情况。方法 30 例择期手术的病人,ASA Ⅰ~Ⅱ级,随机分为三组:安氟醚组、异丙酚组及复合组,每组10 例。安氟醚组以1%~2% 安氟醚吸入维持麻醉,异丙酚组以注射泵经静脉持续输注异丙酚6~12m g·kg- 1/h 维持麻醉,复合组吸入1% 安氟醚并静脉输注异丙酚6~9m g·kg- 1/h。结果 安氟醚组的术后呼吸、吞咽反射、呼之睁眼恢复时间明显短于其它二组( P< 0.05 或P< 0.01);术后拔管时间复合组明显长于其它二组(P< 0.01);呼吸道梗阻的发生率三组相同;停药-定向力恢复时间三组相同,但拔管-定向力恢复时间复合组明显高于其它二组( P< 0.05)。结论 从术后恢复角度看。
Objective Observing the postoperative recovery for m aintenance of anesthesia w ith double blind m ethod.Methods 30 patients (ASA Ⅰ~Ⅱ) w ith selective operation allocated random ly into three groups: enflurane group, propofolgroup and com binative group. Every group had 10 patients. In the enflurane group anesthesia w asm aintained w ith 1% ~2% enflurane, in the propofolgroup it w as w ith continuous intravenous infusion of propofol6~12 m g/kg and in the com binative group itw asm aintained w ith both agents.Results The recovery tim eofspontaneous breathing, sw allow ing and opening the eyes by prom pting w ere longerin both propofoland com bi- native groups than in enflurane group ( P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). Extubation w as delayed in the com binative group ( P< 0.05). The occurrency ofrestlessness after extubation w as higherin the com binative group than the other tw o groups ( P< 0.01). The occurency ofairw ay, obstruction, the intervalbetw een w ithdraw ing the anesthetics and recovery of orientation w as the sam e in all groups, but the intervalbetw een extubation to recovery oforientation w as longer in the com bina- tive group than other tw o groups ( P< 0.05).Conclusion Itis unreasonable for m aintenance of anesthesia w ith the com bination ofenflurane and intravenous propofolaccording to the postopera- tive recovery.
Beijing Medical Journal