

Text Genre and Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition in Natural Reading
摘要 经过研究发现:语篇对学生自然条件下阅读词汇习得没有显著的影响;缺少语篇知识不利于学生猜测生词;丰富的图式虽然有助于学生猜测生词,但同时也减少了学生对生词的注意,且不能引发深层次加工,不利于词汇的长久记忆。 This paper investigates the influence of text genre on incidental vocabulary acquisition.The result shows that text genre doesn't influence incidental vocabulary acquisition significantly.Students who lack of schematic knowledge can't guess the meaning of the new words successfully,but those who have ignore the new words,or don't notice the new words enough to process the word deeply can't remember vocabulary for long time.
作者 余清萍
出处 《宁波教育学院学报》 2011年第3期57-59,67,共4页 Journal of Ningbo Institute of Education
基金 2010年度浙江省教育厅科研计划一般项目"英语阅读中不同文体对词汇附带习得的影响"阶段性成果 项目编号:Y201016773 2010年浙江财经学院校级重大课题 项目编号:2010YJZ09
关键词 自然条件 语篇 词汇习得 natural reading genre vocabulary acquisition
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