
某型微波着陆设备移相器故障诊断方法研究 被引量:2

Research on MLS Phase Shifter Fault Diagnosis Method
摘要 针对某型微波着陆设备测试性校准时间较长,影响移相器故障诊断效率的问题,基于相控阵天线相位校准原理,通过对扫描天线阵列参数获取方法以及移相器故障诊断流程的分析,采用相位控制赋形算法计算出了扫描天线固定指向时各阵元支路的最优相移值。由于相位控制赋型算法通过测量辐射功率来调整闭合等式的权值,并且在进行每次相位寻优时都将前一次量化引入的误差计算其中,因此经过少量迭代就可得到移相器的阵列参数,缩短了测试性校准时间,进而用测试性校准所得的阵列参数与工作性校准后存入天线控制器RAM中的阵列参数相比较,快速对移相器进行故障诊断。最后通过仿真验证了该方法的可行性。 In view of the problem that the time taken in test calibration is longer which results in low efficiency in phase shifter of microwave landing system land equipment(MLE) fault diagnosis,based on the calibration principium of phase array antenna,scanning antenna array parameter obtaining method and phase shifter fault diagnosis flow are analyzed.Optimum phase for every antenna array is calculated with phase-only shaping of amplitude pattern algorithm,which modulates factors of close equation with measuring radiation power and calculates the optimum phase with former quantization error added in,so that array parameters are calculated through a small quantity of iteration,and calibration time is shortened.Consequently,phase shifter fault is diagnosed quickly with array parameters after test calibration compared with the array parameters deposited in RAM of antenna controller after task calibration.Finally,the feasibility of this method is verified through computing simulation.
出处 《空军工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期50-55,共6页 Journal of Air Force Engineering University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国防科技重点实验室基金资助项目(9140C860302)
关键词 故障诊断 微波着陆设备 移相器 相位校准 相控阵天线 fault diagnosis MLE phase shifter phase calibration phase array antenna
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