评价了阳离子型表面活性剂溴化-N-十六烷基-3-吡啶甲酸甲酯和溴化-N-十六烷基-3-吡啶甲酸乙二醇单酯(代号EQ-M)与普通阴离子表面活性剂十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)之间的协同效应,考察了复配比例对体系表面张力和临界胶束浓度的影响.实验结果表明:EQ-M型阳离子型表面活性剂与阴离子表面活性剂SDBS之间有强的相互作用,当EQ-M与SDBS的比例为1∶1时,二者的协调效应最强;EQ16-CH3与SDBS复配体系的cm c降低了一个数量级,EQ16-OH与SDBS复配后cm c降低了2个数量级;γcm c也有略有下降.结果还表明,头基的结构对协同效应有较大的影响,含有极性头基(羟基)的EQ16-OH与SDBS的协同效应更强,可能的原因是二者之间可以形成氢键,从而导致阴,阳离子表面活性剂之间更加紧密的排列.
The synergic effect between cationic surfactants EQ-M and sodium dodecyl benzoic sulfate(SDBS) has been studied,and the effect of the ratio of EQ-M/SDBS on the surface tension and critical micellar concentration(cmc) of the mixture has been investigated.The results showed that there was strong interaction between EQ-M and SDBS.the strongest synergic effect appeared at a ratio of 1:1 between EQ-M and SDBS,The cmc of mixture system(EQ16-CH3/SDBS) reduced by an order of magnitude,and that of EQ16-OH/SDBS by two orders of magnitude.The influence of head group on the synergy effect was examined.The synergism between EQ16-OH bearing polar head group(OH group) and SDBS was stronger.It may be caused by the formation of hydrogen bond between the two surfactants,which led to closer arrangement of molecules.
Journal of China West Normal University(Natural Sciences)