目的:探讨急性闭合性肾损伤经后腹腔途径腹腔镜肾切除术的可行性。方法:回顾性分析3例急性闭合性肾损伤经后腹腔途径腹腔镜肾切除术患者的临床资料:男2例,女1例;1例体外碎石肾损伤,2例为外伤性肾损伤。超声提示肾破裂伴肾周高回声区,考虑为血肿。CT提示肾脏破裂伴肾周血肿,血肿局限于肾周筋膜内,1例造影剂外溢。3例均行腹腔镜肾切除术,结果:3例手术均顺利完成,手术时间85 min(60~120 min),出血量180 ml(100~300 m1)。术后病理检查提示肾脏破裂。结论:在腔镜技术熟练的前提下,选择性急性闭合性肾损伤且血肿局限于肾周筋膜内患者,在伤后1周内行腹腔镜肾切除可行。
Objective:To discuss the feasibility of laparoscopic nephrectomy following acute blunt renal trauma. Methods:The data of three cases (2 men and 1 woman) of acute blunt renal trauma received laparoscopic nephrectomy were reviewed retrospectively. Three patients were referred to emergency room following traumatic re- nal trauma in 2 and ESWL in 1. Renal trauma were confirmed on computed tomography(CT), with large retroper- itoneal hematoma. Contrast-enhanced scans demonstrated contrast extravasation in 1 patient. Results: Three patients were treated with laparoscopic ncphrectomy without conversion to open. The mean operative time was 85 min (60-- 120 rain) and average estimated blood loss was 180 ml (100 300 ml). The pathology showed renal rupture in three cases. Conclusions: Based on skillful laparoscopic technique, laparoscopic nephrectomy following acute blunt renal trauma is feasible in carefully selected patients with hematoma contained by Gerota's fascia.
Journal of Clinical Urology