
挤压比对镁合金宽幅挤压的影响 被引量:1

Effects of extrusion ratio on breadth extrusion of Mg alloy
摘要 就宽幅型材生产而言,宽幅挤压与传统挤压相比能够有效降低能耗,已成为镁合金大规格产品加工的重要手段。除了形成所需形状尺寸的型材外,镁合金在挤压过程中晶粒得到细化,且细化程度随挤压比增加而提高,使得挤压镁合金的塑性和强度得到明显提高。对比不同参数下,宽幅挤压对AZ31镁合金组织结构和性能的影响,着重分析各向异性在改善组织性能中的作用。 As for the breadth extrusion for production, and in comparison with the traditional compression, the breadth extrusion can reduce the energy consumption effectively, and has become an important processing technique for a large-size magnesium alloy. In addition to the required shape and size of product, the grains of magnesium alloy in the extrusion process are refined and the refinement is increasing with the increase of the extrusion ratio, which makes the plasticity and strength improve significantly for the extruded magnesium alloy. The effect of different parameters on the structure and properties of AZ31 magnesium alloy was analyzed. The emphasis was placed on analyzing the role of anisotropy in improving microstructure and performance.
出处 《兵器材料科学与工程》 CAS CSCD 2011年第3期49-53,共5页 Ordnance Material Science and Engineering
关键词 宽幅挤压 AZ31 各向异性 晶粒尺寸 性能 breadth extrusion AZ31 anisotropy grain size performance
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