
大型研发企业的研发投入分析——基于全球前2000家企业研发投入数据 被引量:8

R & D Spending of the Top R & D Firms:Based on Evidence from the World's Top 2,000 R & D Firms
摘要 利用2006年全球研发投入居前2000位的企业数据,考察了这些企业研发投入的一些基本特征,如产业分布、国家分布,以及研发的集中度,并探讨了企业研发投入与企业规模之间的关系。研究结论是:研发具有产业异质性;研发在一些国家集中;企业研发的总量水平、研发比率、研发增长率与企业规模具有非线性关系,中型企业具有较高的研发投入量,而小型企业与大型企业具有较高有研发投入比,以及研发增长率。 Based on the top 2000 global R & D firms data (2006) , this paper examines some basic R & D features of these firms, such as their industries distribution, geographical cluster, and concentration. We further exhume the relationship between R&D spending and firm size. Conclusions are as follows: R&D spending bears industry heterogeneity; R & D clusters in certain countries; the total R & D, R & D ratio, R & D growth rate hold nonlinear relationship with firm size. Medium-sized enterprises have higher amount of R & D investment, and small firms and large firms hold higher R & D investment ratio and R & D growth rates in average.
作者 尹志锋 陈明
出处 《当代经济管理》 2011年第5期22-27,共6页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 国家留学基金委公派留学项目(2009601168)资助
关键词 企业研发 企业规模 产业异质性 R & D spending firm size industry heterogeneity
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